Multi RS Solar 48/6000 - DESS configuration - Cerbo GX - Pylontech US5000

Dear Community,

I’m about to install a new Multi RS Solar 48/6000 in DESS configuration with a Cerbo GX and two Pylontech US5000 connected to German grid. Victron describes the respective VEConfigure settings for Pylontech batteries.

However, a Multi RS gets configured via VictronConnect and not via VEConfigure: Multi RS Solar - Victron Energy

Some settings match. Sometimes, different parameter designations are used. And some parameters exist for a MultiPlus but not for Multi RS and vice versa.

VictronConnect setup

Manual - 5.6. Grid
Grid code was one of those essential settings in my MPII. However, there seems to be no grid code setting in the Multi RS. A Certification for German Grid exists. Does the device get delivered with a respective local grid branding or why does it not need a grid code setting?

Manual - 5.7. Battery

Matching configuration items


  • Absorption voltage 52.0 V
  • Float voltage 51.0 V


  • DC input low shut-down 44V
  • DC input low restart 48V
  • DC input low pre-alarm 48V


  • Sustain voltage 48V
  • Dynamic cut-off values set all values to 46V

Deviating items (Battery)

  • Equalization voltage?
  • Storage voltage?
  • Charge detect?

General Settings - DESS scenario with Cerbo GX

  • Battery preset (Smart Lithium LiFePo4)
  • BMS control (on)? Cerbo GX + BMS acts as BMS control?
  • Shutdown on low SOC (off)? BMS controlled
  • Dynamic cut-off (on or off)? In case of on, set all values to 46V
  • Automatic equalization (off)? DESS controlled

Are those deviating parameters relevant at all in a DESS/Cerbo scenario with external control?
Are the general settings mentioned correct?

Any comments or review highly appreciated.

Sorry, I don’t have an answer on your question. I do have a related question, is DESS already supported on the Multi RS Solar? I understood that the official firmware has not been released (yet).

Confusing. If ESS/DESS would not be supported - at least for some countries - why would there be a grid certificate available like it is the case for Germany: Certificate DE Oct 2024

My unit arrived today. I updated the firmware to 1.20 like recommended by VictronConnect. The grid menu items are different from what is described in the manual.

5.6 Grid Setup contains a “Grid Code” which is not described in the manual. Maybe the manual is still in a pre-ESS state. The grid code does not offer the same choice like the MPII and there is no specific one for Germany. A European code is offered (EM5049-10:2022).

Maybe someone from Victron can comment :slight_smile: ?

  1. Is ESS connected to German grid officially supported by Victron on a Multi-RS?
  2. Is DESS supported?
  3. Is the European grid code correct for a grid connect in Germany?

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ok, here’s my experience:

  • ESS can get configured with Victron Connect
  • ESS and DESS shows up in the device details on a Cerbo GX
  • ESS Settings are very limited
  • Country specific GridCode (DE) should be part of upcoming VictronConnect releases according to my Victron Dealer. But it is not yet available. Only a generic European one. Whether this one would already be sufficient for grid connect could net get clarified finally. Neither with the help of my Victron dealer, nor by my own research.
  • Multiphase Regulation is not available!