Dynamic ESS on Multi RS Solar not working (NOT fixed, update 03-03)

Hey all, today I swapped my 3 phase Multiplus 5000 for 3x Multi RS Solar in 3 phase.
Everything seems to be working like it should, I have updated all Multi RS to the newest firmware and they are configured in Victron Connect to fun a 3 phase ESS system, grid code is set to Europe on all units.

ESS seems to be working fine as it keeps 0 watts on the Victron grid meter, charging and discharging also seems to work when I change the setpoint of the grid meter.

However I am not able to enable Dynamic ESS, the function dynamic ESS does not appear in the settings tab in VRM. If I manually navigate to VRM Portal - Victron Energy I can see all the parameters of DESS and I am also able to “turn on” DESS, but nothing really happens and I cannot see the energy prices and battery forecast like I was able to see on the Multiplusses.

Is there anything that I am missing?

Did you do complete new setup/Cerbo as well ? Or just replaced the multi’s ? VRM still configured to read-write on the Cerbo ? Do you need to remove stale devices from VRM? Maybe try using Node-Red or ssh to turn on DESS forcefully and see what happens ? Does the node-red DESS version work ?

Info from the screenshots all look fine I guess.

Interesting choice. Once all up-and-running very anxious to hear about your experiences, performance and efficiency gain!

No fresh install, I turned off the multiplusses and cerbo (and eentire DC system) and once I was finished building, I turned everyhing back on. I did the initial setup in victron connect (to make the Multi RS 3 phase and grid code settings. Then I deleted the multiplusses in VRM as they were still “there”. I have installed firmware 3.60~25 on the cerbo using OS Large, but I cannot find Venus OS Large in the VRM either… Not sure what is going on here.

You have different devices connected, so you will have to do a complete new install on the cerbo, ve configure and ve bus setup

Edit: my bad, :blush: above answer was partly wrong!

The Multi RS Solar doesn’t use VE Bus and VE Configure. Everything is connected via VE Can and setup is done via Victron Connect

No ve bus on Multi RS…
No ve configure for Multi RS…

Edit: :smile: :smile: posting in the same time…

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Well, don’t ask me how… But I finally got it working :sweat_smile:
I did a full factory reset of the Cerbo GX by using a micro SD card and the factory reset boot file.
Then I deleted my installation in VRM (lost all my history and also DESS algorithm is reset).
After turning everything on again and creating a new installation in VRM, Dynamic ESS was suddenly available again! And by the looks of it, it seems to be working. However since all my history is lost, the DESS algorithm has no idea of my power consumtion so I guess it will take a couple of days to see how everything works. But for now, I must say that I am very impressed with the Multi RS Solar. It is so quiet and there is hardly any heat coming off the units, even under full load (17.000W).

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Glad you’ve sorted it! :+1:
Reference information for other Multi RS owners.

And they say the HF AIO Multi RS devices are not so good like others… :wink:

Currently discharging from batteries to grid:
Discharging from battery: 16,2kW (52.58V & 309A)
AC loads in house: 4400W
Grid feed in: 10750W
Total AC Load: 15150W
Efficiency under full load: 93,5%

This would mean a total RTE of 87,4% which I think is very good.

Yesterday it seemed like DESS was working exactly as it should, however this morning I discovered that my batteries were fully discharged overnight, while the peak energy price was yet to come:

For some reason, the communication between DESS and the inverters isn’t going as it should. But this time I have no idea were to begin searching for the problem. Perhaps I just have to wait for future firmware updates. Harold Halewijn said in his video that he got DESS working on his Multi RS, but he said that it need special beta firmware, which I cannot find.