MPPT 75/15 Equalisation

I have 2 x 85ah 12v flooded batteries in parallel connected to the above controller with a 120w panel. I am in an area with constant sunshine, and the panel can be moved for maximum output. When I start the manual EQ process after the controller reaches Float, I never see a higher battery voltage than around 14.6v even though the panel voltage is over 20v. Can anyone advise why this is? I can’t see how 14.6v is any good for Equalisation. Thanks!

Are you using a shunt on your battery or are you doing the charging process manually?
How high would you want to go on your battery?
14.6V is already quite high for a Pb battery … What would the data sheet say?

Is there current flowing into the batteries?

No shunt, just the controller. I may be wrong, but the eq process should be the same as a desulphur process on other devices. High voltage, but low current.

Yes, but the controller default settings limit the current to 8% of the absorption current. I would have expected the Equalisation voltage to be between 15-16v going by a 7 stage mains charger I also have installed on the system.

Additionally, the process appears to end after 30 mins. The setting is still at max 1 hour, so I don’t know what is causing this.

Disconnect the battery and check the voltage