MPPT 250/60 - Three parallel strings


Currently I have two strings with 4 panels each on my 250/60 (tr-version).

The panels (395W) are at 90° facing south. They have an Imp of 10.6 A and a Isc of 11.02 A.
Because of the oriantation I never come close to 395W each.

I am not thinking of adding a third parallel string to it.
Looking at the datasheet, I still would be under the 35A limit of the TR-version.

The 12 panels would have a kWp of 4740 Watt. I know the 250/60 can only output a max of 3440 Watt. But is there a limit of how much I can oversize this? To be fair, because of the orientation I will never see anything close to this. According to the orientation charts, I will only get a max of 71%, which will be 4740*0,71= 3365 Watt.

Is there anything wrong with my idea?
And, do I need something like a Schottky (Blocking) Diode because of the third parallel string?

Thanks for any help


As long as you don’t break the input current limit (adjusted for temperature) or the voltage limit (adjusted for temps) you will be fine.

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