Currently I have two strings with 4 panels each on my 250/60 (tr-version).
The panels (395W) are at 90° facing south. They have an Imp of 10.6 A and a Isc of 11.02 A.
Because of the oriantation I never come close to 395W each.
I am not thinking of adding a third parallel string to it.
Looking at the datasheet, I still would be under the 35A limit of the TR-version.
The 12 panels would have a kWp of 4740 Watt. I know the 250/60 can only output a max of 3440 Watt. But is there a limit of how much I can oversize this? To be fair, because of the orientation I will never see anything close to this. According to the orientation charts, I will only get a max of 71%, which will be 4740*0,71= 3365 Watt.
Is there anything wrong with my idea?
And, do I need something like a Schottky (Blocking) Diode because of the third parallel string?
Thanks for any help