Modbus TCP IP Cerbo GX Unit IDs

Hi All,
I have a project which requires Modbus TCP/IP connection to via a Cerbo GX to a SMARTShunt 300 and an MPPT 100/20 solar regulator. I dont currently have a GX device to interrogate to find the devices in the list to get the Unit-IDs but want to get them into a set up procedure. I have downloaded the "CCGX-Modbus-TCP-Register list from the website but it still is unclear as the notes suggest you need a GX device to find it.

Does anyone know the Unit-IDs for these 2 devices?

Thanks In advance for any advice!

You won’t have the ID’s until units are connected to GX device (IDs are assigned when first connected) if you want to get going you can assign IDs from the range given in the TCP register sheet 2
IDs can be changed later if needed, feature added in the latest firmware

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Thanks George, I thought that was the case. Im just trying to plan ahead as much as possible!