My vessel uses a Mercury VesselView SmartCraft Gateway that transmits (among other things), the diesel and fresh water fluid levels in a PGN 127505 packet. I have my Cerbo GX attached to my N2K bus, and GPS is showing up, so I know it’s working. However, tank levels are not being shown by the Cerbo. Not surprising since the class and function are not what Victron expects (see below).
It would awesome if I could view the tankage levels on VRM and my Cerbo GX. If there any chance that tankage support for this particular device could be added to Venus OS?
I’ve analyzed the device on the N2K bus, and it’s info is below.
Device Properties:
Manufacturer: MERCURY MARINE [144]
Class/Function is 25/130: PC Gateway. Device that brings both NMEA 2000 data onto a computer, and computer data onto an NMEA 2000 network.
Model ID: VVLS SmartCraft Gateway
PGNs it transmits:
127505 Fluid Level
127488 Engine Parameters, Rapid Update
127489 Engine Parameters, Dynamic
127493 Transmission Parameters, Dynamic
127508 Battery Status