I have recently run wires from my Cerbo GX tank analog inputs to my tank level sensor senders. For the fuel tanks, the Cerbo GX shows a reading of 0.8 ohms which is not correct.
When I disconnect the wires from the Cerbo and read the resistance from a multimeter, it reads 78.9 ohms.
Any idea of what could be causing the Cerbo to give low readings? The tank is less than 10m away from the Cerbo and I have ran 1.5mm2 cables.
@brunomorand I figure you may have fixed this by now but the wires going to the sensor must have a short circuit. What happens if you remove the wires form the Cerbogx completly? Does the resistance still show as 0.8 ohms?
Do the other inputs show the same or are they different?
I do have 3 level sensors connected to my Cerbo. Two are working as expected and only one is showing the 0.8 ohm.
I have tried to switch channels for the sensors to see if there could be something wrong with a particular channel input on the Cerbo, but that has not resolved the issue.
If I disconnect the wire, the Cerbo shows as “Open Circuit” reading.
The two sensors that are working have slightly shorter wire runs between the sensor and the Cerbo, but probably not more than a few meters difference.
If the problem changes when you change input channels and if the input is open circuit when you disconnect the wire it must be a short circuit on the wire to the sender.
Run another wire loosely in to check and completely bypass the existing wire. It must be short circuit in the sensor wire. If you run another wire in to check I am sure you will resolve the issue.