Dear friends, i am sure you remember my issue with parallel connection a few days ago. i also attempted to reconfigure the two inverter in 120 degree set up, but the inverter kept giving me a no grid alarm which was weird as grid was on. io finally decided to connect one inverter instead and now i have a new problem. i have endless low battery alarm. i checked all connections which at\re all tight. is there anything i should look out for?
Battery settings in the inverter?
What baterry, BMS you use?
I am using 4 freedom won con nected in parallel, i use the battery BMS
Well, I don´t have an experience with this battery. But normaly it is good to follow inwerter settings recomended by bat. manufacturer or by Victron for your battery… I belive you checked it…
As I see the hraph, the voltage measured by battery and by inverter is dfferent. What about wire dimensions, lenght? Did you tryied to measure voltage depth between the battery and the iverter? It looks, that resistance is too big, voltage is dropping down especially when you take more power from the battery, bat pictude is a bit small to be sure with it.
I figured it out, i chargenged the master battery to a different one, it worked. looks like the bms of the first battery was messed up.
Thank you Martin
quattro 48/10000
victron PV 450 inverter charging 48V
Victron smart li batteries
2 strings each 200aH
victron bms
autocharge set at 50% (active)
Low battery alarm, irritating
not really enough info on the alarm
“low battery” could be
- Quattro thinks the battery voltage is low
- An individual cell is low
- something else thinks its low.
Clearly with DOC at 67% and Vbatt at 52.2V there should be no low battery warning.
So what is triggering it?
It would be mightly helpful if error messages said what was causing the error, rather than some generic error.
ESS assistant is probably triggering it.
Alternatively the final volt drop is not being captured in the 60s between logs and the FW voltage does collapse a bit under sudden loads.
Is everything programmed accordingly?