Hi, I’m new to Linux and have been searching for a “how to” add “tree” and “man” to linux for both a RaspberryPi4 which I found through the help command that it has a
GNU bash, version 5.0.18(1)-release (arm-ve-linux-gnueabi)
linux type and version. Having said that, I have tried to find a way to install “tree” for starters, and have not been able to do this. I have searched everywhere that I can think of.
I am using the Raspberry to test things out before I touch my CerboGX v3.42
Can anyone help me with this? Thanks in advance. Jim
I assume you have installed the Venus OS on the Paspberry?
In this case, have you tried running
opkg update
opkg install tree
When asking about an issue you’re having with linux, it’s good idea to describe what exactly you tried to do to fix it and how it didn’t work so you’d get more on-point advice.
Hi Nick, Thanks for your help. I do have the same Venus 3.42 OS running on my Raspberry to play with before I try anything on my CerboGX with the same 3.42 OS.
I ran the opkg update and got a good response back but then when I tried the
opkg install, I got this response:
Collected errors:
- opkg_prepare_url_for_install: Couldn’t find anything to satisfy ‘tree’.
so I tried running the opkg update again and then running opkg upgrade which both had good responses, and then ran the opkg install tree and it gave me the same error.
Is tree even available for these venusOS systems?
Thanks for your help. Jim
Hi @James
Somehow tangent with your issue, but I believe you need tree to explore the OS file structure.
You are saying that you are new to Linux so you may have experience with other OSes.
Why don’t you use a SSH explorer, like WinSCP for exploring the Venus OS file structure? It’s quite easy to work with…
Unless you really, really want to use tree.
Also, take into account that Venus OS is an embedded OS and many utilities you will find by default installed in other Linux distributions, you will not find in Venus OS.
One example is the man you also want to use, which is of no use here in Venus OS as it’s a dedicated environment.
Hi Alex,
I appreciate your help. I will look into using an SSH explorer like you suggest. These are new things I’m learning so thank you.