The code has been running so well at other sites, I loaded it into a site that has a relay board on the raspberry pi. All appeared to go well. I was reading battery charge state and voltages. But this tower has a camera and a thermistor to measure battery temperature, at 5C the first relay is supposed to pull in and turn on the battery heater, the 2nd relay is used to control power to a camera on the tower. I noticed that after loading the beta the camera was no longer accessible. I checked Relay #2 it indicated it was on, I cycled it but got no changes. I went to the site thinking that something had happened with the PoE injector or one of the RJ connectors was not making proper contact.,
One accessing the equipment it appeared that power was not reaching the PoE injector, I shorted across the relay contacts and the camera came alive. Again I checked but there was no response from the relay. I tested the temperature relay and got the same results.
I returned the device to VenusOS 3.42, the camera came alive and the panel indicated it was turned on as it should have been.
The camera is no big deal but the relay for the battery heater is.
Is there other testing I can do to gather information on this?