How to Wire Orion XS to use D+ Engine Running Signal with Manual Disable Switch

The documentation for the Orion XS is leaving me unclear on the procedure to achieve the following:

  • Use D+ 12v signal from vehicle to indicate the engine is running
  • Have a hardware switch to disable the charger

Summary: both the D+ signal and a closed switch needed for charging.

The section on using the remote on/off:

The section on disabling Engine shutdown detection and using a D+ signal:

Applying >8V to the L-pin overrides the engine shutdown detection and activates the charger. This can be done, for example, with an ignition switch, CAN-bus engine running detector, etc.

To force enable/disable charging (i. e. turn the Orion XS on/off) without interference from the engine shutdown detection, a remote option as given in section Connection setup for remote on/off must be wired, and the engine shutdown detection must be switched off in VictronConnect, see figure below.

I tried wiring a switch between L & H, and connecting D+ to H; this did not work.

I feel like I’m missing something simple, please help!


I have now tried wiring a jumper between L & H, and a switch between D+ and H. This did not work, either. (With engine shutdown detection disabled.) As in this diagram:

Remove link/jumper then D+ straight to the H side should do the trick that will get it running the rest should run okay don’t think you need a physical switch unless a reason for that?

I ended up running the D+ signal to the H terminal, via a hard switch so we could disable the charger when necessary (like taking it to the dealer). This works.

The documentation is really unclear on these points!


Not really…