How to connect the engine running signal to an Orion XS

Could someone confirm if my interpretation on the manuals is correct.
Vehicle has engine run signal that is ground switching (max current sink 250mA)

Should I connect this to the L pin on the orion to control the charging. Leaving the H pin disconnected? And then disable the detection in the app.

Manual for the Orion says

  1. A switch wired between the L-pin and (input/output) ground (ON switch level < 6V)

So I’m assuming this terminal floats high and when grounded by the running signal it will turn on the charger?

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Hi Barney, welcome to the Victron forum!

I’m not a Orion XS user, but as far as I know, you don’t need to make any wiring to make the Orion XS automaticly work/charge when the engine is running.
In the manual, at chapter 4.1, you can read how the Orion XS is detecting a running engine, and how you can manually change some parameters, to match with your car alternator.

The L and H connections can be used to manually switch on/off the Orion XS, if this is needed in particulair situations.

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Your interpretation of the manual is correct, you can connect to the L pin with a ground sink switch.

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The engine is a Euro6 with start/stop, which the manual says can be challenging.,-configuration-and-monitoring.html#UUID-5aa18f28-3a51-b6f3-c23a-410bbbb59450

The most reliable way to solve this is the engine running signal.

I’ve got a Ford Transit Custom and there is a very convenient plug that provides these signals.
So should be a very easy install, and while I have the trim off and batteries out. I’d rather run that extra signal cable than have to take the seats off in the future or be trying to get the smart orion and smart alternator to play smart with each other!!

1 Vehicle Speed
2 Switch Illumination
3 Engine Run — Ground
4 Ignition

You’re right that it may not be needed. But I hate taking the seat and trim off :wink:
Just need to figure out a use for the speed signal and if I can

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