Now a few weeks since our Solarinstallation became active we had a few days of fog and complete cloud cover so not much power was produced. As we have a situation where Power from the grid is cheaper between 22:00 and 06:00 I looked if exploiting that makes any sense.
- Price difference between High and low Tariff is 30%
- Highest Efficiency of the Multiplus II 48/5000 is 92.8% at 1390W
- Estimated efficiency of LiFePo Chemistry 98%
Resulting in a loss of the ac-dc–ac conversion of about 15.6%.
So utilizing the battery to shift usage from High to Low tariff results in a discount of 14.4%
Yes I’m neglecting any wear of the Battery but that gets to complicated to my liking and the thing was cheap and is there anyway so let’s use it.
Folowing is my Dokumentation feel free to use & adapt at your own Risk.
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"name": "On Mondays we want to start at 100%. resets the SOC calculation of the BMS. And happens to be Laundry day, so we need power early.",
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