I have installed Easysolar II gx device with Pytes lfp batterys 10kWh.
I have properly connected all the wirings.
Now as I read the manual for Victron -Pytes configuration I have to enable DVCC function - and on every pictures of the interface where this should be done is like something from victron console…I only have MK3-USB adapter and on my computer I have Ve Configure 3 and Victron Connect but in neither of this apps there is no option for enabling the DVCC function. Do I need an additional equipment for this configuration like CERBO GX or something like that? but shouldn’t the easysolar II gx already include this inside the device? can i configure this with only mk3-usb adapter and software from victron that i have available?
this is my first victron setup so,…thanks in advance for your help
have a look at the CCGX mamual.
Pretty much the same for your GX.
Yes, I have later on figured that out. The problem was that I couldn’t connect to the unit over bluetooth to open a remote console as it rejected the pairing code six zeros although it was the right pairing code…I could connect to solar charger but not to multiplus or easysolar bluetooth interface. After it rejected as a wrong pairing code the device grayed out on my app menu and I couldn’t connect to it no more. I have rebooted my phone and inverter cleaned the data on the victron connect app reinstalled the app but nothing. Then I tried to connect through WI-FI and that worked from the first try. Then I have tried to connect to the unit using MK3-USB adapter but have faced with crazy mouse symptoms - which I have later on removed when I deleted the virtual mouse ball pointer from the device management - thanks to the victron community…then autodetect port didn’t work, but I have figured out that i can connect through port com 4. After all this it finally worked. I have done some settings using victron connect and some using ve-configure 3 and some through remote console. And afterwards even the bluetooth connection miraculously started to work. As I have worked in a very remote mountain area I had to also establish an lte router connection to the internet and then I could connect also to the remote console through the VRM portal. The biggest confusion for me for my first victron system set up was that there are 3 different apps to set the system. And that in every manual it just shows pictures of the remote console as it is part of one of the configure apps but it is actually its own app of some sort. And nowhere in no manual doesn’t say how to get to it. Well actually it does in some of the connect manuals but by my opinion this should be already mentioned under settings in primary manual of the bought device. All this could be really simplified and as an installer I really think this is just pointless unnecessary complication. But now when the system is set up and everything is running smoothly I must say I am satisfied and when I look back at all complications I can just smile
I had the same issue you had with Easysolar getting greyed (grayed) out in Victron Connect
I used the ‘Reset’ button on the panel of the EasySolar unit (you have to press it with a pin through a hole). Once this was done it accepted the Bluetooth PIN as printed on the label on the panel and all was good.
I now have an issue that I cannot activate ‘Ignore AC Input’ so if you have any ideas on that i’d love to hear them!
I have never used that function before, but I do remember that when I have setup the assistants I noticed that you can use that function.
While I am not completely sure, I would try to enable this function through the use of the assistants.
You have to disable the virtual switch first so you can use the assistants.
I have used them for activating the AC2 output when the SOC is high enough or when I get AC input 1 live running diesel generator and shut it down when the SOC drops below certain level or when there is not presence of the generator on AC input 1 and it works so I guess it should also work for AC input 1 ignore if you set it up on one of the assistant but you probably have to use it with some sort of intention and add additional condition. Just my thinking.
Thanks for the reply. I’ve got a way to go on the setup - I’ll prioritise getting the assistants in place.