How to control discharge parameters by GX cerbo

I connected a Lithium battery with a inverter,using a GX cerbo to control them,and i only find the DVCC part that can limit charge current, when i open the air switch,the power grid will charge my battery.How can I discharge my battery to the power grid?

Is your inverter prgrammed with ESS assistant?


Thanks for your answer,i know kow to control the charge and discharge issuse, but how can I change the priority of discharging from photovoltaic panels and batteries during grid-connection?
The mode settings in the ESS only allow control over the minimum SOC during battery discharge.

There is a grid feedback option in the ess menu if you have programmed the assistant.

OK,got it. my pv panel was broken, I do not have the equipment to verify the photovoltaic grid-connection strategies,and it is quite challenging to understand from its literal meaning. im gonna consult the user manual to gain a deeper understanding of it.anyway, thank you。:+1:t2:

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