Fifty shades of blue - or did I receive a counterfeit product?

Hi, I got my first Victron product back in 2020: A SmartSolar MPPT 75/15. Now I bought my second Victron product: A Orion-Tr 12/24-5.

The blue color of the Orion I just bought is much darker compared to the SmartSolar MPPT 75/15. It looks strangly odd to me. Is there a way for me to check if I got a counterfeit product? Or did Victron just change the blue tone of its cases / enclosures to a much darker apperence?

I am happy to post photos, if somebody could guide me how to do this.

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Perhaps the light has simply faded the housing a little over 4 years … :thinking:
Why don’t you post a photo of your two devices here … :+1:


Thanks for the hint with the photo. I’ve been looking for a way to upload something, but I could not find it when creating a new topic.

Anyhow, here are some photos. I should also mention that the SmartSolar MPPT 75/15 I bought 4 years ago spent its life in the carton box it came with, sitting inside a closed wardrobe. I never really got to finish the project I had in mind 4 years ago.

You can check the serial number below if you’re worried about it being genuine.

Different products are manufactured in different factories so the mixture of the color can vary a bit from product to product.

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I run my serial numbers through the page that Dave provided. They all check out.

So having different blue-ish colors is something I should not worry about - i.e. you saw / see that also in the Victron products you are installing / using?


Both CE marks on the products above are a little bit off… But I may be wrong.

As @M_Lange says colures may varie I have seen some variation in the x12 Victron products I have.
If everything checks out, I think your probably ok.

If your interested below is a link to pantone (standard colors codes) and allowed variation.

PANTONE® Europe | Pantone Color Systems - Introduction
Pantone - Wikipedia