How will an Multiplus II with VenusOS behave if AC-IN is higher than 51.5 Hz? I am talking about a grid connected system using GRID code “Germany VDE-AR-N 4105:2018-11, internal NS protection”.
Looking at VE Configure3 this grid code settings is configured default to;
“Start frequency for P(>) function”: 50.2 Hz
“Drop f>”: 5.00 %
" under freq. f < 47.5 Hz <100ms
over freq. f > 51.2 Hz <100ms
What I would expect:
-1- Multiplus disconnects the Grid from AC-IN if frequency is over 51.5 Hz with delay of 100ms.
-2- After disconnect from grid the multiplus sets AC-OUT to 50 Hz if battery is not full
-3- Victron MPPTs can still charge batteries
-4- If battery is full AC-OUT is set to 53 Hz
-5- Thus batteries can be also charged via AC-IN if battery is not full
What I would expect:
-1- Multiplus disconnects the Grid from AC-IN if frequency is over 51.5 Hz with delay of 100ms.
-2- After disconnect from grid the multiplus sets AC-OUT to 50 Hz if battery is not full
-3- Victron MPPTs can still charge batteries
-4- If battery is full AC-OUT is set to 53 Hz
-5- Thus batteries can be also charged via AC-IN if battery is not full