EV Charger NS in United States

Hi, Our distributor in the USA told me that the EV Charging Station/ EV Charging Station NS is not approved for use in the US? Does anyone have more information on this or has installed them regardless?

We manufacture off-grid charge systems using Victron and these EV chargers would be a perfect compliment.

not approved = not UL listed

I am more concerned about how those device work with our split phase grid.
Just in single phase mode, probably

I have worked with other Euro spec equipment that has been also approved for split phase. L2 on the split phase just went where N on the single phase was. The potential between the lines is the same, just shifted in relation to ground. I am interested to see if this is also the case with these EV chargers.

I am about to put one into my own house

It’s rated for 230V single phase or 400V three phase 50Hz and has a charging connector that no vehicle sold in the USA supports. So, unless you build an inverter system that creates Euro power and you import a Euro EV with a charger on board that can accept 50Hz power and the different plug standard…I don’t think you’re going to be very happy.

Thanks a lot - had no idea about the different charging connector.
Any alternatives ? Besides using an standard (portable) level2 charger

The goal is simply to use excess solar power for EV charging - but “charge shedding” when either another good load comes on

Emporia Energy has a solution that might work for you oskaratk. I use their energy monitors to collect data for sizing inverters, batteries, and solar arrays when customers can’t provide accurate power and energy usage. If you combine one of their Vue energy monitors with their Level 2 charger then the charger will automatically throttle back if other loads come on. Combined with a programmable relay on a Cerbo, MPPT, battery monitor, or inside a Multi/Quattro and a little logic and you can achieve what you want.

My friend posted some info on the Emporia EVSE here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-E1FXXYxqp8&t=1689s

I hope Victron releases an EVSE for North America some day.