Hello Everyone,
I don’t know about you but I just noticed a new behavior in BatteryLife.
Normally if you are in Pylontech and more generally in lithium you have to put the ESS mode in WITHOUT BatteryLife, but hey…
Once the mini SOC is reached:
in mode WITHOUT BatteryLife, I noticed that the Pylon master turned to solid red and turned off its slaves
in mode WITH BatteryLife, the Grid continuously supplies 150W to the batteries and therefore no master in red and it’s very cool like that for me in any case :slight_stile: for
But before and yet I did not update the Cerbo or the Multi only the firmware of the Pylons, arrived at the mini SOC the system left the batteries on without any red light with a very slight loss of current and the grid provided the juice to the loads.
What happened, did I miss an episode
Thanks for your feedback