ESS is not working properly


Finaly I have my system fully working Except for 1 thing…the ESS system doesn’t work properly. I have the system in trade mode. Let me first explain the system. I have 23 solar panels of 600W on the roof (13800W max). The solar system has an AC inverter. I have a 3 phase/48kWh Victron system to trade energy and am using energy provider zonneplan here in the Netherlands. let me first show you the prices of today:

This was the scheduled usage:

At 1800 the system started providing power to the grid. Great. Let 's start to earn some money. I didn’t change anything to the settings, but then this happened…

The Victron starts to charge at the most expensive time of the day. WTF?
So I went to to Dashboard and set the system to “Inverter only”. But why is the ESS malfunctioning? The system isn’t trying to power the home system from the batteries also in expensive times. This is now just after 22h:

I have attached my ESS settings below. Can you help me with getting the ESS system to do proper trading?

Best regargs,

What does external control mean? That I am logged in remotely? If ESS fails, what it does!..How can I correct this? Enable MQTT and let home assistant do the ESS function? I really don’t like this option. I don’t use home assistant at the moment with this system and have to enable home assistant for this system.
Just 1 last question. I know how to force charging to x percentage. Easy. But how can I force discharging with the system to x percentage? I tried “Scheduled charge levels” with a low percentage, but this is for charging the battery. I want a “Scheduled discharge levels” since the system doesn’t sell when the price is high. Is MQTT the only solution?

Try the battery without battery life. There is an algorithm that will charge the battery. Why arent you going to 0% charge if the grid fails? All that does is put it in passthru at 10% instead of low voltage disconnect. You could have way more power in the battery. Do you need power for anything?

You can do a lot with node red if want to manually configure. You can get the price data and charge and dicharge how you like if you are handy and can can code. I will be looking at this in the next 6 months as our energy providers are going to TOU tarrifs.

Does “Battery without battery life” shorten the battery life? I lowered the SoC limit to 0% and kept the battery life setting.
I don’t need the 10% power in the battery and the grid is 99.99% up. It never goes down or it is for a scheduled maintenance.
Maybe I will look at node red. I never used node red, but it also used in home assistant. Thanks for showing that. I hoped that the ESS would do just fine on it’s own. Maybe the 3.54 update will have some improvements.

No the battery will die from calander aging before it dies from cycling. Just cycle it as much as you need. The with battery life will make sure the battery is charged to 100% everyday and will use cheap or expensive power. It does not care and that is probably what you are seeing.

that is incorrect.

With battery life is explained in the manual. Something like this:
If there is winter and solar input will never be enough to charge the batteries fully, it will not drain them fully. That is why the low mark will be adjusted automatically by about 10% every day depending on the solar input that it sees.

So if there are a lot sunny days in winter will bounce back to 20% - 100%.But if there is just sh*** weather for weeks it will cycle between 60-80%. This will keep the batteries happy.

If you want to peak charge or trade in winter, this could be changed to “without battery life” because it will cycle from the grid.

I was a bit brief with the explanation. But you added some good notes. The important thing to understand is it will charge from the grid to min SOC if you have one set. The algorithm wants to always charge the battery to 85-100% every day by adjusting the minimum SOC. So if it is set higher by 5% the next day and it’s below, it will automatically charge from the grid using any power available, cheap or expensive.

If the battery SoC falls below the SoC low-limit for more than 24 hours, it will be slow-charged (from an AC source) until the lower limit has been reached again.

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