Support needed
I’ve 2 EM24 connected in my system. 1 as main and the other one for the pv system. (both Modbus tcp )
Quite frequently the system goes into pass thru mode (MP only 3 green leds,
no blinking)
When I look in the device list the EM24 devices are seen some time ago.
When I reboot the cerbo, the devices appear again and system works ok. This until the next time the devices are disappearing again. As I don’t look that often, it could be that the system is quite some time in pass thru mode which is a pity.
Is this known behavior and more important, what to do about this. The frequency starts to increase and seems always happening when SOC is between 80 and 85%? @dfaber , could you suggest here as it happens quite often. Thanks
Removed the EM24 no2 (soft/hardware) and now system seems stable (23-12-2024) , at least DESS works however preferable with 2 meters. still looking for answers. Thanks
Hi, I have a very similar problem with my CG EM340. Except that my grid meter returns within a few seconds and my meter is connect via USB-modbus. Could you take a look and see if you find an error message in “Console | Services | Modbus/TCP”?
Thanks to connect the cases. Do you have 1 meter or 2? I do have 1 main grid meter EM24 and 1 EM24 for the PV system. I now disconnected the 2nd meter and I’m pretty sure the issue will be less. Let’s see.