During setup one multiplus ii gx died

so i just turned on all 3 new inverters to set them up, they were all flashing the leds in sync.

after about 5 minutes and before i could get the mk3 plugged in, #3 inverter just died, does not power on, no leds, etc

what should i check? my wiring is fine, i’m thinking something inside the inverter broke, fuse?

Did you also connect the batteries on the DC side or just the mains connection?

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I had both ac and dc connected

Have you measured the DC voltage directly at the multis … Are you using back-up fuses on the multis … Are they ok?
Have you taken them out of the network and tested them individually?
There is a ceramic fuse inside …

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plz post model of fuse and where it’s located so I can order new one and and try replacing it, or whatever else u suggest to check inside the inverter

i verified my wiring dc was 53v, my other 2 inverters are still working with flashing leds

Is the main switch possibly set to 0 during handling? Sometimes happens …

Fuse ?
Open and look inside … there is only a longer ceramic fuse in the relay area … if it is
I am not aware of any other fuse.

How did you power up?
Just on battery, no ac loads or charging connected? A system should not be powered up with live AC in the beginning especially when they are not programmed.
Had you updated them firmware wise?

You would have to do the hard work now.
Remove it from the system. Check its internals are ok. No assembly issues.
Test it as stand alone.

those 2 little white fuses work, no obvious black burns etc, I will have to call the seller for warranty I guess, doa i think