DNS query timed out


The Cerbo GX VRM configuration is showing a DNS error while querying ‘mqtt13.victronenergy.com

How to fix it?

Venus OS v3.52

Which DNS servers are you using, have you checked your network settings, and can you do a lookup from a separate PC?
Being unable to resolve can only be an issue with your network or ISP.
It is resolving fine.

The name resolution is successful from my computer in the same network.

The fact I can monitor the system from VRM suggests the internet connectivity is fine.

Does the GX have the same DNS settings, have you tried to SSH to the GX and do similar tests?

Both nodes are configured with DHCP with the same DNS.
Let me figure out how to ssh to Cerbo GX to test the name resolution manually.

Just google “victron root access”, there are links on the forum.

It was resolved by itself after some time.
Thanks for your support.