DC System on Cerbo monitor

When I activate the DC System in the settings, I get strange readings that are not very meaningful to me since I have no DC loads.
I turned it on because I read somewhere that it would show when the batteries are being charged by the Muliplus but I’m not even sure about that.
Perhaps someone could shed light on both these subjects?

Here is the view when not charging

And here is the view when the Multi is charging

DC loads are all loads that are connected to the battery side and run via shunts that are configured as ‘direct current counters’.
In addition, all loads that the system cannot allocate precisely sometimes end up in this display. This can be a few watts, because the meter values all run up at different times …
They are therefore not offset in the system at the same time and then displayed as a result.
In your case, you can therefore switch off this display … your DC charge from the Multi comes from ‘above’ from the ‘VE bus area’

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Thanks, that explains it :wink:

See this FAQ for how the DC box works if you do not have a DC system shunt measuring DC loads.

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