The indicated SOC on my VRM dashboard is changing in an odd way. When the battery state changes between charging and discharging, the SOC changes with it - dramatically. Yesterday I was running a pressure pump which was cutting in and out about every 30 seconds.Each time the pump started, the inrush current would momentarily cause the batteries to think that they were discharging. When this happened, the SOC changed from 98% to 86% for a few seconds.
This went on for the entire time the pump was running.
Just now the batteries are charging and it is a slightly cloudy day. The system load is about 1500W and when the batteries are charging they are indicating 76% SOC with the charge from the MPPTs at 1700W and increasing steadily. When clouds pass over and obscure the Sun, the generated power slips below the system load and the battery status changes to discharging. The indicated SOC then changes to 86%.
While all of this is happening, the SOC on the Cerbo GX remote console stays rock solid on whatever the SOC really is. 98% yesterday and, at the moment, 76%.
This makes no sense to me. Any clues?