Hello again. I have my Quattro limited to draw max 10 amps from the grid (it’s actually a secret cable to my other house, as technically, we’re off grid). This morning I saw it drawing 5kW. That’s almost enough to trip out the supply. 23 amps!. Is this a known bug? Is there a workaround? My house is a bit like a boat - off grid but with external power available when necessary.
I had a similar problem with my multiplus when running an airconditioner, the power factor was way off.
Has been resolved with version 552.
You might try it…
Thanks. I’m on 506.
OK. Done that. The “charge to 100%” still doesn’t work. We’ll see if the current gets exceeded next time the batteries drop to the limit and we connect to the grid. I’ve seen it mentioned that I should disable power assist. Is this right? And if so, how? I don’t see the option in Victron Connect.
The option to charge batteries to 100% from grid and then switch back to solar priority. Perhaps it’s designed not to work if we have limits set?
There are a few settings that affect this.
ESS if you are using it.
The other is power assist and if you have weak ac enabled.
Thanks. I don’t have ESS as I’m strictly speaking off grid. I think I may have weak AC enabled, but may have to confirm that. I don’t know where to find power assist.
BTW, I feel I should mention that the upgrade was painless. All done from a combination of 2 PCs on my home network (1 windows and 1 linux) remotely. Included a couple of power outages and each time the browser recovered and carried on. Very surprised. I was expecting a nightmare.
It’s looking like with PA enabled all bets are off. I’ll disable it when the pellet fire is off (can’t risk outage with it on - it takes an age to get going again).
Yeah there has been some hard work hard on making it more user friendly.
You shouldn’t get a power outage with power assist. Are your batteries able to supply full current for your loads? What size system vs load are you running?
Sorry, I didn’t explain myself. Sometimes connecting the mk3 to the Quattro will make the system shut down (if I make changes). If I disconnect the CCGX (which several people have told me I should) it thinks the batteries are flat and shuts down.
We go the whole year without help from the grid - well, apart from a few times around this time of year. We are in Andalusia where the sun shines a lot.
Ah yes. If you dally around it does that .
Not realy fun.
Do you have a smartshunt or bmv to keep track of SoC ?
Pylontech with their BMS. So no.
I don’t trust them further then i can throw them
You can read all the threads where the pylontechs report wrong SoC…
Just went to disable PA and it isn’t even enabled. So why else can the system be drawing so much from the grid? BTW, I disabled weird frequency tolerance.