Consumption forecast in VRM beta wrong/twice the correct amount?


For the last couple of days my forecast for consumption is more or less the double of the true consumption, VRM estimates approx 100 Kwh to be consumed tomorrow and at most our house draws 60-70 Kwh when its -20 degrees C outside. Currently its around 0 degrees (& forecasted as such) so I cant really understand the figures the forecast tells me… Did any work happen to the consumption forecast logic around the end of January that might cause this faulty doubling in consumption to be shown?


Attached is the consumption and forecast for today - as shown the consumption prediction is twice as high as real consumption - and has been like this for a week. What can be triggering this behavior from my end or is it some error in the consumption prediction logic? Tested on atleast the VenusOS betas of 3.60.21 and .24

Todays consumption figure is as below at 21.00 hours.

Forecast for tomorrow is

My estimated correct consumption, looking at the promised temperature outside, should be 40-50 Kwh for tomorrow - not 100 Kwh …

And todays forecast vs real consumption at just before 18.00 hours in the evening.

Still the consumption forecast is approx twice the real consumption … Can it be the fact that I have a grid meter and a separate meter configured as ACLoad and the acload forecast is added, in the background, to the grid meter forecasted values? Could that explain why the consumption forecast is totally wrong ?
