I am encountering a communication issue with a Soluna battery. Although I know these batteries are not listed in Victron’s official compatibility list, the manufacturer claims they are compatible.
Currently, I can establish communication at 500 kbit/s. RX and TX packets are sent and received without errors, but I cannot display any data such as SoC, voltage, etc.
Has anyone successfully managed to make a Soluna battery work properly with Victron equipment? If so, could you share any advice or steps to solve this issue?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Bonjour à tous,
Je rencontre un problème de communication avec une batterie Soluna. Bien que je sache que ces batteries ne figurent pas dans la liste officielle de compatibilité de Victron, le fabricant indique qu’elles sont compatibles.
Actuellement, je parviens à établir une communication en 500 kbit/s. Les paquets RX et TX sont bien envoyés et reçus sans erreur, mais je n’obtiens pas d’affichage des données comme le SoC, la tension, etc.
Est-ce que quelqu’un a déjà réussi à faire fonctionner correctement une batterie Soluna avec des équipements Victron ? Si oui, auriez-vous des conseils ou des étapes à suivre pour résoudre ce problème ?
Common complaint when people take a non-supported manufacturer on their word and come up short.
Best is to type the brand name into the search bar here and on the old community archive and see if anything pops up.
If they say its compatible, they are responsible for supporting you and making it work, providing detailed documentation etc.
We also have a French speaking section accessible from the homepage.
Good luck, hope you come right.
I’m looking for a solution for a friend who is having major issues with their APsystems inverter, which is completely defective. We’re considering replacing it with a Victron system while keeping their existing batteries.
I saw that jasonjames81 mentioned in this post that they successfully got their batteries to work without any issues.
For now, I’m conducting tests on a bench setup to try to make them work, but so far, I haven’t had any success.
The challenge is getting the right pinouts and and battery specific settings required to adjust baud rate, protocols etc…
First obvious thing is to try the GX on 250Kb and 500Kb, some of these batts tend to not by default use the industry norms.
Some batteries will have a setting (dip switch) where you can configure baud, but also set it to use the victron comms spec. You may also need updated bms firmware.
Yo tengo configurada una batería soluna y me aparece en la vista, junto con el voltaje y el soc.
Fue muy difícil configurarlo al inicio ya que no sabía que la comunicación era a 500kbs. Pedí ayuda directo a soluna y es bastante malo el soporte.
Lo que necesitas hacer es ir a configuraciones del sistema y seleccionar que el monitoreo de la batería este visible(yo la llamé soluna eos). Te dejo algunas capturas de la configuración que tengo
Thank you for your answers I got a feedback from the battery manufacturer he explained to me that you have to install another firmware in the battery he must send me the equipment in order to do it