Changing from Pylontech US2000 to US5000

My System
1x Victron Venus GX
1x Victron Quattro 48V/8000VA/110A-100/100/230V VE. Bus Inverter/Charger
1x Victron Energy SmartSolar MPPT Charge Controller 250V/100A-Tr
1x SmartSolar Pluggable Display
16x 400w Solar Panels [6.4kW]
8x Pylontech US2000S Batteries

I’m going to have to change my 8 Pylontech US2000 batteries to 4 US5000 is there any system settings that I need to change?

As far as I understand, the US5000 has double the capacity (Ah) of the US2000.
You should consult both of your datasheets yourself, though.
But if this is the case, the stack of 4xUS5000 has the same capacity as our old stack with 8xUS2000.
Then you do not need to change anything in your setup…the BMS will report the necessary capabilities.
Just make sure, that the GX sees the BMS with 4 modules instead 8 after you did the swap.

If the capacity of the new stack is not the same, you need to adjust this in the set-up of the ESS or Powerassist Assistant in your quattro

Thanks for your reply.
As the capacity is the same, it nice to know that I don’t have to change any of the settings.
Thanks Tony

I believe you can use both sets of batteries together, just make sure the newer US5000 are the master. You can use a Lynx Distributor (or more than one) to connect them and from there feed your inverter.

As a side note, while you can use one set of cables for several US2000, I would suggest that with the US5000, you run a set of cables from each battery to youyr distributor as the max current output from these larger batteries is near the max rating of the cables that Pylotech sell/supply. It will provide for a more stable and safe installation.

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