Cell imbalance?

This is a continuation of the non-PylonTech discussion on potential battery imbalance here: 3.50~15 Modification Pylontech - #66 by nickdb

@alexpescaru To clarify, the figures change very frequently (we are talking seconds. Is that a problem?).
The figures quoted first are a snapshot of what was happening at the time. The second set of figures refer to an observation over months (I could get real historical data from VRM). In general, at 100% SOC, the figures fall in that range.

Don’t worry. All is OK.

If the battery reaches 100% easily and by easily I mean that in the final charging phase the time needed to evolve from 95% to 100% is less than 30-60 minutes, then all is OK and the voltages are OK.

An imbalance of less than 30mV is OK, because 30mV is less than 1%. So a battery with the cells’ difference of less than 1% is more than OK.

Pylontech service says and I quote:
When the voltage difference is between 100-200mV, it means the battery could be balanced.
The balancing is successful when the voltage difference is below 30mV. It may take 12h to balance the battery.
If the cells voltage difference is over 200mV, most of batteries couldn’t be repairable. If you still use it, the battery would become swollen.

So, you see, you are quite OK. :slight_smile:

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