Can someone please help me!

After cooking Christmas dinner that at a time drew over the Multiplus 2s 10000s limit no alarms. The MP2 was in keep batteries charged I then switched back to optimised without battery life and noticed
that VRM was not showing grid or AC loads. now my battery that used to last 2 days now discharges in 4 to 5 hours and some times i have unexplained ac loads of 5000w when nothing is on and using lots of grid electricity as shown on my smart meter display. Can anybody please help!!!

Why don’t you show your AC loads overview of the last few days …
Do you have a pump with a pressure switch etc. that runs from time to time?..

Hi Rovert, we will need to know
more about the system. As we have no idea what you are looking at or what to expect from your system as we don’t know any details.

Beside maybe you have a 20kVa parallel system? Which as far as i am aware cannot be parallel connected? Or is it split phase?

Why don’t you draw the days a little bigger
I assume that the peaks are the recharging of the battery … Maybe the times fit together
It draws power from the mains and at the same time it charges your battery + 3% min. SOC …

I assume that there is no sunshine in England either, right?

and now superimpose the battery data at the same time …
The Spike on the left Side from System - Grid could be a “Chargetime”

This is my house now with dishwasher tv and other things on.

Let’s see your device list … Maybe something is no longer communicating …
What kind of “rising” devices are you operating on your critical loads with almost 5kw at about 22 pm ???

Netmeter ? and what kind of ?

It was just a pc tv and fridge

if you mean grid meter it is the MP2

ah ok :+1:
then you have all the loads after the single Multi plus 2 10K ?

Do you have an MK3 interface with you?

Yes Grid into mp2 then all loads out of mp2.

Switch the Multi off and on again and restart the GX.
You have a mains voltage but no functioning current measurement. :thinking:
Asked again … Do you have an MK3 interface?

not at the moment I can get it tomorrow.

Then show your current values from the ‘Grid counter’ in the Remote Console again … no values should be shown here either …
Possibly a defect in the ‘current sensor’?
If this is the case, an external sensor would still be possible
It can’t be a fuse … then you wouldn’t have a voltage display

at the moment I have a washing machine on a tumble dryer a pc Tv and lights.