Bug: (accidentally) changing minimum soc resets active soc

When I (accidentally) change the minimum soc above the active soc limit the active limit soc is reset to 80%. When lowering the minium soc again the active soc limit stays at 80% and the whole gained headroom is gone causing less profit.

Usually I would just switch off with battery life when I don’t want the system to mess with my plan.

I want it on but I don’t want to reset the active soc limit, it should be remembered when (accidentally) changing minimum soc. I want to keep as much as possible power in the battery for emergency power, but also want enough headroom to charge from pv and from grid for selling at high tarrif.

My active soc limit was on 65% but I accidentally moved the slider of minimum soc limit in the victron app (it doesn’t ask for confirmation upon changing) and now it’s on 80% again, to small for charging the pv power and trading. Have to wait several days before it is 65% or lower.