Battery cable to Lynx IN and position

Hello everyone, I am Rune from Norway, bought a Wanderlodge M380 that is situated in Columbus GA @ repair shop.
I plan to tour 48 states and wanted to make coach efficient and suited for Boone docking.
So 2800 watts on roof, 20 KWh battery storage, dual quattro 48/5000/70 and power in from 12KWh generator or 50 amp shore power… Will do split phase to also get 240 volt for my Pioneer 18k BTU mini split with two inside air handlers.

I bought all equipment from a renowned big dealer in AZ. my problem now is the lack of support and guiding after everything is delivered.

My first Q:
Due to the location of the Lynx IN and stack of batteries, I wonder if it matters what position on the Lynx in battery positive and negative go ?
Do they have to go in pair on the same position on the Lynx IN ?
By using two Lynx IN, I can reduce every battery cable length IF I can take the furthest positive battery pole, to the closest positive contact on the dual lynx IN… and run the closest battery positive cable to position furthest away . All negative will be much closer and length dictated by the longest positive cable !

reading I see its not clear that I know all cables must have same length, so my goal is to keep them as short as possible, hence positive battery 1 will go into closest positive on Lynx IN and battery 4 positive will go to the furthest connection on Lynx IN.
Negative will be reversed so battery 1 will then go to furthest position on LYNX IN… and battery 4 to the closest position… makes sense ?


Ps if there is anyone in Columbus , GA area that is experienced with Victron install and would like to help out in configuration for payment… please let me know :slight_smile: