Assistant, programmable relay not working

I have tried and tried but can not get the programmable relay to activate on soc, what could i be doing wrong?
Does the mp2 monitor the battery bms soc data, or does it look else where? Because in VE config, general, it shows soc in bars on a battery photo, but it doesn’t actually say the actual soc.
So i set the assistant to turn on the general flag, ac input ingnore when soc is higher than 20%, and turn it off when lower than 20% but when the soc on the battery indicator gets to 20%, nothing seems to happen.
Basically i want to be off grid during the times i have plenty of battery storage, so my parameters are:
Turn on grid when soc reaches 95% (so excess has somewhere to go in ess mode)
Turn off grid when soc drops below 95%
Turn on grid when soc drops below 20%
Turn off grid when soc rises above 20%
Turn on grid when load is higher than 8000w for 5 seconds
Turn off grid when load drops to 7000 for 10 seconds.

I have set all the above using general flag- ac ignore, but nothing seems to happen.
I must be doing something wrong , do i need separate on and off assistances or does one assistant do both on and off, depending on what side the set soc is?
Can anyone please write down the exact steps i should take to achieve the above?