2x MPPT single PV string


I’ve been reading a few posts but cannot find an exact answer to the issue.

I’ve got a single PV string of 2x4x 550W giving 210V on the output.
A single MPPT 250/100 is at its maximum capacity running around 100% and heating up the room, hence wanted to add a 2nd MPPT.

Once the 2nd MPPT got connected in parallel to the same PV input and batteries, the issues with PV started. The VE.CAN contained MPPT, CerboGX and MG LV BMS.
Of course I’ve added the 2nd MPPT to VE.Can, checked the settings but got both MPPTs fighting each other for PV.

After 24h I had to disable one MPPT since the system was not efficient at all, hence looking for ideas whether 2 MPPT can be sharing a single PV input. It was to my understanding that the “slave” device would follow the PV tracking of the “master” device and currents would balance itself (due to internal shunt).

At that moment, it’s not the case. Is there any way of configuring MPPTs to work with a single PV input?


No, you can not use 2 mppt’s for 1 pv array.
The mppt’s fight each other trying to maximize output.