Victron Orion XS 50A DCDC charger

Hello friends out in the Victron area!

Purchased one unit, connected it, and experienced loud interference on VHF CH16.
This unit has been mentioned making interferences on VHF several times in this forum.
Thats the reason I bench tested it first because all my cables pass (incl VHF aerial cable) through the same cable area, then to mast, and engine dept.
So I was concerned.
The XS failed and it was consequently claimed, returned and refunded.
Now I am looking for a replacement…

Apparently a new XS hardware is being produced and the VHF interference error should be corrected.
*Does anyone know when it will be ready? *

Some say it is ready already…
What model or article number will it have for identification?

My option, if nothing happens before snow melts, is to go with 2x Orion TR 30A.

Look forward to receive your kind comments and guidance.

Kind regards from Sweden
Wishing all a Merry Christmas

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