I’ve created a Raspberry Pi Hat to simplify using a Raspberry Pi as a Venus GX device. This Hat adds useful features like a relay, a temperature sensor connection, digital pins, a shutdown button, and a power input, all by simply plugging it on top of the Raspberry Pi.
It also includes extensive protection for the inputs, which is important for ensuring the safety and reliability of the system.
While the Hat doesn’t support VE CAN or VE Bus directly, I’ve kept it simple because, in many cases, it’s more practical to just use a USB adapter for those connections. Buying the adapter separately is a safer and more straightforward option, especially when you’re already spending on the gear.
If this sounds interesting to you, I’d be happy to share more details, including source code or photos—just let me know if you’d like more information.
Definitely interested in this. In my case Tank and temperature sensors are the main reason I still have a CerboGX. However it’s really slow and would love to retire it.
@adamkirby have you considered collaborating on : Victron Raspi HAT - VictronEnergy lots of valuable work done by @RobDuthie
I was thinking if we could share the project for people to order from PCBWay/JLCPCB or some other place that were people can place orders on a pre-built version.
Yes if you want to. Will need to get a couple of prototypes under for testing etc.
As a lot of venus drivers have changed etc, i do have some basic prototypes running on a raspi 3B+ and 4 hardware.
All the relays 6x and GPIO work OK, also the 4x temp and 4x tank sensors work OK, the only little issue was the VE direct ports, had drivers issues, have not check that for awhile.
Also i had a DIN rail mounted cover enclosure for the board from Ali express that would have fitted OK.