i have tested 360-26 as a tip from Harold Halewijn’s latest Youtube video for making peak shaving possible with loads on the AC-in side (car charger and some ac-connected solar panels) and not draining the battery when car charger draws from Grid.
The first thing i noticed was that on the ESS setting GRid feed-in, the limit grid feed-in was activated and set to 0w ! So all solar will go only to the battery.
The next morning DESS had charged the battery to 98% and Grid feed in limit was still on and at 0W … so i changed to normal ESS mode (no DESS ) and it was still not possible to swich off the limit grid feed in. It was possible to change the 0w to another value ( i tested with 10.000w) but as soon as i switched back to DESS the value was reset to 0w
So i quickly reverted back to 3.54 before the sun was charging above battery capacity. Nothing realy happened but my fear was that all solar panels would go offline (or Worse)
Please explain is DESS managing the grid feed-in limit? or is this a Bug?