Updating DESS config via VRM API post

I am trying to do a daily update of buy/sell prices in my dess config via the vrm api post Dynamic ESS configuration.

It has taken a while to get past the rc 422 invalid json response.

Now I am getting rc 409 - Setting already exits response.
Not defined in the vrm api documentation ?

I am doing a get Dynamic ESS configuration successfully, and then resending most of the 12 “required” fields using what I am receiving, along with new buy/sell schedules. I also get the same error response if I don’t include all of the required fields, and only the price schedules.

Does anybody have any experience with vrm api post transactions?

Try using PATCH instead of POST. Not in the API docs as far as I remember but worked for me.

tell us how to change minimum soc cause that’s not in the docs either :rofl:

if not I’ll get to it next week

Thank you. Hadn’t considered trying that.

Which minSoc, there seem to be lots?

The Dynamic ESS minsoc in settings isnt used any more as far as I can tell.
The usual ESS minSoc I have updated with mqtt write to settings/0/Settings/CGwacs/BatteryLife/MinimumSocLimit .

The one that actually matters is in system/0/Control/ActiveSocLimit, but I suspect you cant write to that, and system calc decides which to use and puts it there for itself. That is the one that the dynamic ess delegate code uses.

I havent seen anywhere you can set it via vrm api, but as you can update it via vrm controls, then maybe there is ?

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