Solar panel 50ft from the batteries

I would like to have my 100 watt solar panel about 50ft from my batteries (2 12 volt) I was considering running the voltage on a regular 50ft 12 gauge extension cord. Any comments would be appreciated.

@smitty You can theoretically place solar panels as far away from a battery as you like. As long as you consider amperage and voltage drop. Typically this means the farther you place a solar panel away , the larger your cabling will need to be. In your scenario , in order to calculate amperage draw we would need to know your panels OCV (Open Circuit Voltage). Assuming it is 14-30 VDC we could determine your current to be 100W / 14 - 30 = 7.1 - 3.3Amps. Although an extension cord is theoretically rated for this amount of current. In actuality it would be a really BAD idea to use a temporary solution , for a permanent application. You will have better results with appropriate sized 105C insulated rated wire.