Solar array

Greetings once again. My Victron system with 9 Rich 200w monocrystalline RS-200, was sold to me based on my description of my ‘theoretical’ kwh needs. I’m working on the learning curve here, so forgive my ignorance. Originally sold with 9 200w panels, by the sellers configuration. These go into an MPPT 150/70. When I add the (Voc)24.3 from each panel thats 218.7v. Have I been sold an excessive combined Voc# for my mppt?. I’m now at the point where I’ve concluded that 9×200w panels is inadequate amount of panels, & will be adding 4 more 200w monocrystalline, with a combined Voc of 145.6. Should I piggyback a higher capacity MPPT(250/70) for my 9 panels, then add the additional panels to the 150/70? Thank you…

Hi i suggest you use the mppt calculator, voltage depends on how they are arranged series/parralellel

Also if you install more panels in another direction another mppt will be usefull, or if the new panels have different specs

The combined Voc going into the mppt will depend on how the 9x panels are arranged- series and parallel!! If in 3S3P this would give a Voc of 3x that of one panel!!!

Thank you

Thank you.