(Robert Vágner)
Hello guys,
I wonder, why is Remote Console not protected by password for Technician and Admin levels in FW v. 3.5+ anymore?
You realize, that many users demand Technician level to see EV Charger and Battery configuration settings (hamburger menu on the right side of VRM).
But with this we are also giving access to unprotected Remote Console. We have had many misconfigurations from curious system owners.
Can you fix this and protect Remote Console with password in VRM again? I think this was not very smart to thing to do.
Thank you.
@mpvader @Lpopescu
You can add a lock to MPPT,s / Inverters & Smartshunts ect to stop any misconfigurations from curious system owners
12. Settings Lock (
Would this not stop this type of problem?
(Robert Vágner)
Hi Dave,
not really. There’s a lot to fiddle with in the Remote Console as well.
For example, switching from individual to total phases ESS can lead to substantial financial damage in our conditions.
I would really vouch for using the remote console password again.
Thank you.