Reading equipment sensor data - modbus or ve.can?

I decided to upgrade the equipment of my solar station. Now the Deye inverters are installed. I am eagerly awaiting the start of sales of the Multi RS19.
I wrote my own program to monitor the Deye inverters. I like using this program, I got used to it. When switching to the Multi RS19, I would like to read the sensor data from victron to my program.
Having read the documentation from Victron, two ways are visible:

  1. read data from the GX device via modbus.
  2. read data directly from the ve.can.
    The first method has a drawback - not everything can be done via modbus (for example, I cannot change the absorption voltage).
    The second method has a drawback - I did not find a list of all the PGNs that can be used for Victron equipment.
    Please advise.

I would choose the second variant.

There are many Victron registers that could be read through CAN bus.
Some are available for certain devices, some not.
But they generally cover all.

You can find an alternate list of Victron registers here: BlueSmart IP22 Charger Registers - #2 by alexpescaru


It’s not clear what it means:
it’s four bytes
0x07 0x00 0x00 0xEF
I doubt I’m right.

Look at how the 29 bit CAN IDs are represented.

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I read. I got acquainted. I have not come across a form of recording bit data anywhere similar to:
As I understand it, this is a description of a 29-bit Сan ID.
If we discard the explicit byte description 0xEF 0xFF 0x20 (24 bits), then 5 bits remain. That is, the description 7.0.0 or 6.0.1 describes 5 bits.
I don’t understand.
How do I translate 7.0.0 or 6.0.1 into a 5-bit binary number?
Thank you!

(3 bit priority) . (1 bit reserved) . (1 bit data page) . (8 bit PDU high/format) . (8 bit PDU low/specific) . (8 bit source address)

7.0.0.EF.FF.20 will become CAN ID: 1CEFFF20
6.0.1.F2.0E.20 will become CAN ID: 19F20E20

19F21240 CAN ID will translate to: 6.0.1.F2.12.40
See that the PGN is in fact a 17 bit number, (1 bit data page).(8 bit PDU high).(8 bit PDU low)
In the above example, PGN is 1F212 (DC Detailed Status).

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Thank you very much for the clarification.
Special thanks for the extended list VEREG

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