Problem 2 X Multiplus II on 3F grid

Next problem with 2 X Multiplus II on a 3F net.

1 X multi-plus on L1
1 X multiplus on L2
1 x Cerbo GX
1 X EM24 ethernet on mains
1 X EM24 ethernet PV measurement
4 X Pylontech US5000

System configured as dual phase 120
AC out not used

When switched on, everything seems normal, but after a while the 2 inverters start to compensate each other. For example -3000W on L1 and +3000W on L2
Total grid power remains approximately 0

Does anyone know this problem and solution?

Thank you!

Is the ESS assistant installed on both MultiPlus correctly?

Thank you for your quick reply.
ESS is only installed on L1, I thought it wasn’t necessary on L2?

Read the manual:

Problem solved!
Thank you very much!!

I need to read the installation manual. :blush:

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