Primary programmable relay follow ignore AC input

Morning All - Is there a way this can be done in the VS or assistants? I have tried multiple options but issue seems to be when ignoring AC input the unit still sees voltage on the input so you can’t drive based on AC input as there is still input - it is just ignored :slight_smile:

Any suggestions?

Maybe explain what you have and what exactly you are trying to do?

Tag says MP2 so only one input.
Ac ignore and VS drives the primary relay.

Really if you don’t want to see voltage then you need to drive a contactor that disconnects the ac line interrupting the power to the inverter. This can be done with the relay on the gx and the generator control.

Hey LX - I use assistants to ignore the AC input and run on inverter unless battery low / load to high - this works perfect - I was looking for a simple solution where the programable relay follows this state so it could drive a pilot indictor i.e. green battery and blue charging.

Using node red is possibly easiest.

Just thinking you could use the programmable relay (K1 or aux 1 or what ever you have on your model) and drive it with the same conditions as your conditional connect. For the one light.
Then for the other the reverse/inversed?
