Power oscillation on L1 only when peak shaving


I’ve been trying to diagnose this peculiar issue of power oscillation (power going up and down from 2500W to -1000W almost like a sine wave) only on L1, while L2 and L3 are unaffected when using multi-phase regulation set to individual phase (this is required by grid operator). If multi-phase regulation is switched to total of all phases the oscillation range is worse from 4000W to -3500W. This only happens when peak-shaving (set to always) is active and battery is at minimum or below minimum SOC. When the battery is charging there’s no oscillation and if high load turns on and battery is discharging (due to current limits) there’s no oscillation. This issue has been happening for a long time across multiple firmwares.

3x MultiPlus-II 48/3000/35-32 (one per phase, firmware: 552)
Cerbo-GX (v3.52)
REC-BMS LiFePO4 battery (canbus)
AC, Grid tied PV inverter (SolarEdge)
Using external meter (it’s the utility meter, reading DLMS push data with refresh interval of 1 second)

Here are some readings I took from the MQTT:

Here are screen captures when oscillation is going on: