Made a little progress, then hit a wall … seems like ideally vecan-dbus driver would have to be altered (probably not too much since Wakespeed WS500 uses NMEA2000 as well ?), failing access to vecan-dbus , that leaves me with a custom driver to publish the required N2K data received by the Cerbo to dbus.
Assumptions: Electromaax Pro-X is connected to N2K network (or STNG), as is the Cerbo.
Q: How would the system behave if the regulator/alternator is in operation but the N2K network is offline (ie: “instruments” breaker is off)?
- Determine what N2K data Electromaax regulator publishes (mostly done, best to the raw N2K data)
- Determine what if any alternator N2K data is published on DBUS
- If required, write a custom service to publish the required data on dbus
- Determine if alternator regulator will accept remote control (ON/OFF), if not, link up with OEM vendor to update their firmware
- Evaluate what if any changes are required to device menu, GUI-V2, html5 app, and I’m guessing maybe VRM? Does the existing code have provisions for a “generic” alternator?
- Evaluate what error handling is required
- Document code and manuals (OEM regulator / Victron)
- Beta test, deploy.
What else?
Alternator regulator N2K output:
PGN 127506 (DC Detailed) ?
SID, Instance, DC TYpe, State of Charge, State of Health, Time Remaining, Ripple, Voltage, Remaining Capacity
PGN 127507 (Charger Status) ?
Instance, Battery Instance, Operating State, Charge Mode, Enabled, Equalization, Pending Reserved, Equalize, Time Remaining
PGN 127508 (Battery Status)?
Instance, Voltage, Current, Temperature, SID
?, 14.2, 35,?
Others: Is engine RPM published? Altnernator max output current? Alternator field %?
- LIkely, E-Maax regulator cannot receive DVCC commands with current firmware.
- E-Maax should add a variable for Alternator capacity. Should this value reside in the regulator or in the Cerbo?
- Are changes required to Victron Alarms?
Or … do absolutely nothing on the Victron side if the OEM can publish the required N2k data (5. Connecting supported non-Victron products para 5.14)