NMEA2000 alternator data not shown on overview screen

This is a marine setup with Cerbo GX, multiplus, smartshunt and a few MPPT controllers. My engine alternator regulator is a Electroomaax Pro X, which has a current shunt on the alternator output positive and an additional one on the battery negative (in series with the smartshunt).

The alternator output goes to the house battery (Lifepo4 410 Ah) and the starter battery is charged from a DC-DC converter.

I see that the Electrommax Reg outputs NMEA2000 battery data as a dc generator. How do I get this to display on the Cerbo GX Overview screen? I’m running fw 3.52 with the new UI.


Not natively, the only NMEA devices configured as input to the Cerbo are GPS and tank levels according to the Cerbo GX manual, look Chapter 5.


That’s why I ask the question. Section 5.14 mentions reading generic dc generator data (which I have on my nmea network).

Trying to achieve something like this:

I have to admit that NMEA alternator is a new item and I had missed this addition. Section 5.14 reads as though it uses the details from a shunt directly, the Electromax would need to match the required device class and function and PGNs per the Cerbo manual, so you would need to check this.

How do we get Victron’s attention? Local dealer has no idea…

Hi @marcham ,

here is some Victron attention.

Currently, we support direct read-out of Wakespeed and Arco ZEUS alternator controllers.

And for now our hands are full; it might be a while before we can add another one; every addition takes time in testing, emails, and so forth.

all the best, Matthijs

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Ps. I forgot to mention that we do have another solution that will work for any alternator and alternator controller:

Install a smartshunt in series and configure that to be measuring alternator output.

I appreciate that, I did consider that option, but I already have 3 shunts (Smartshunt for battery, alternator output shunt (alternator regulator) and battery negative (alternator regulator). Both alternator regulator measured currents are available on NMEA, so was just hoping for an easy solution. I’ll dig into the source code to make the WS500 work via Canbus and see if I can’t make something happen via NMEA.

@marcham do the shunt values show up in Signal K?

I’m 97% certain… I’ll double check today when I stop by the boat. On the N2K network, battery device instance 0 is alternator output, which measures: alternator current, volts and temperature. DC device type is alternator.

Went to the boat today… - 5 deg C and ice in the cockpit and all :slight_smile:

Yes, from the SignalK data browser, I was able to observe the following:

On the N2k network, I have:
Device instance 0: alternator output current and volts (provided by regulator)
Device instance 1: not used (this would be the 2nd alternator if installed)
Device instance 2: battery voltage, current and temperature (in Kelvins) (provided by regulator)
Device instance 3: DC load current (alternator current - battery current) (calculated by regulator)

Device instances 4 to 11 are my smartshunt and MPPT controllers…

PGN127506 for Device Instance 0, “DC Type” is “1” (alternator).

So the task would be to take that data (device ID 0) and recognize it as the alternator on the GUI…

Made a little progress, then hit a wall … seems like ideally vecan-dbus driver would have to be altered (probably not too much since Wakespeed WS500 uses NMEA2000 as well ?), failing access to vecan-dbus , that leaves me with a custom driver to publish the required N2K data received by the Cerbo to dbus.

Assumptions: Electromaax Pro-X is connected to N2K network (or STNG), as is the Cerbo.
Q: How would the system behave if the regulator/alternator is in operation but the N2K network is offline (ie: “instruments” breaker is off)?


  1. Determine what N2K data Electromaax regulator publishes (mostly done, best to the raw N2K data)
  2. Determine what if any alternator N2K data is published on DBUS
  3. If required, write a custom service to publish the required data on dbus
  4. Determine if alternator regulator will accept remote control (ON/OFF), if not, link up with OEM vendor to update their firmware
  5. Evaluate what if any changes are required to device menu, GUI-V2, html5 app, and I’m guessing maybe VRM? Does the existing code have provisions for a “generic” alternator?
  6. Evaluate what error handling is required
  7. Document code and manuals (OEM regulator / Victron)
  8. Beta test, deploy.

What else?

Alternator regulator N2K output:
PGN 127506 (DC Detailed) ?
SID, Instance, DC TYpe, State of Charge, State of Health, Time Remaining, Ripple, Voltage, Remaining Capacity

PGN 127507 (Charger Status) ?
Instance, Battery Instance, Operating State, Charge Mode, Enabled, Equalization, Pending Reserved, Equalize, Time Remaining

PGN 127508 (Battery Status)?
Instance, Voltage, Current, Temperature, SID
?, 14.2, 35,?

Others: Is engine RPM published? Altnernator max output current? Alternator field %?


  1. LIkely, E-Maax regulator cannot receive DVCC commands with current firmware.
  2. E-Maax should add a variable for Alternator capacity. Should this value reside in the regulator or in the Cerbo?
  3. Are changes required to Victron Alarms?

Or … do absolutely nothing on the Victron side if the OEM can publish the required N2k data (5. Connecting supported non-Victron products para 5.14)

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