Must 15kW 2 parallel packs High Voltage alert balancing issue

See similar thread for other BMS brand WeCo, behaves slightly differently WeCo BMS balancing/high voltage issues

This is for MultiPlus-II 48/8000 + 2 SmartSolar MPPT VE.Can 250/100
System has 4 packs of Must 15kW Batteries, connected to Cerbo GX via CAN ( see LP2100 Series (51.2V-280/300Ah) – Solar Power Inverters/UPS/ESS System Factory )

Issue was/is - during planned DESS or Scheduled battery charges to 100% Must BMS ( Paceex BMS) forces Cerbo to rise High Voltage alarms

Here are stages

Algorythm of BMS seems like looks at cell voltage max/min and reduces charge voltage to the level where balancing is not happening

Issue - max/min difference is still large, even after multiple balancing actions

BMSes have equal settings ( from same shipment )

Solution ( workaround )
By reducing DVCC voltage to 55.8 system behaves almost propely, without BMS locks charging, still rising High Voltage from time to time