My multiplus with ess gives low battery warning. If i put it on charger only the warning disappears, but on the other options it keeps giving the warning.
Battery is measured by smartshunt.
Batteries voltage at shunt is the same as at the multiplus and is above low setpoint.
What do you have the kevel set to? Is is the same for all the c rating draws?
Is the voltage at the inverter battery termials correct or is it dropping to low battery level?
It does not matter what the shunt reads if what the inverter is inverting from is low. This can be for several reasons loose or high resistance lug connections.
yeah i did mean the dynamic cut off.
you can suppress them. see 10.5 Q5
are you using logging to troubleshoot or live data - sometimes the dip happens between logging?
sorry second edit probably late - internet is ultra annoying today
Ahh i see, but i want to have a warning when battery gets low.
In battery history there is a lowest voltage from 12.05, i guess that happened when the battery was disconnected.
That looks to me the only reason why there is an warning.
There is no load on the mp, so there can’t be spikes where voltage drops.
I have live data, and in logging there isn’t a drop yo see.
Or i missed one setting somewhere, or the mp just acts strange through an old low voltage.
It’s strange that when the mp is on charger, the alarm light goes off.