My Setup: three phase Multiplus II 3000/48/35, (firmware version 552) with CT-clamp (Current Transformer 100A:50mA CTR12xxxx, wire end)
While using the internal current sensor, the system works well, predictably and can be controlled via remote console.
As soon as I switch to the external current sensor, the multiplus acts strange, e.g. discharging the battery and ignoring the ESS settings like “grid setpoint” or “limit inverter power”. Of course I’ve ticked the “external current sensor” in ve.configure, but that makes no difference at all. The CT-clamp should be ok, I tried a second one already, both have around 170 Ω.
Did anyone experience similar behavior?
Probably switching to an external meter like vm-3p75ct makes sense …
if you use a clamp, the setting related to the current sensor must not be changed (and thus, remains “internal”) as the clamp is actually connected to the same (internal) sensor connector on the multiplus.
External current sensor setting must only be used for really external meters, not the CT clamp connected to the MP2 connector.
Yes, the phases were reversed. Unfortunately, the electrician commissioned to do the work connected the phase conductors to the residual-current device correctly (1 - 2 - 3), but the neutral conductor on the right-hand side shifts everything by one when a 3-pole comb busbar is used.
Now it looks like this and works: